Nouveauté: Collection Les Apprentis-Sages conforme au nouveau programme d'éthique et culture religieuse MELS 2008 / Collection Wisdom Quest in accordance with the new Ethics and religious culture program MELS 2008

>> Games

( Multi-lingual approved learning material , Ministry of education of Ontario, winner of highest rating Canadian Toy Testing Council) See Books and Learning Resources

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Play alone or together with this workbook designed to provide
hours of fun and learning. The variety of activities stimulates your
child's creative mind and boosts his/her self-esteem. Ages 3-7.

2 levels:

LOGICOLO l (# CFB 307)

Object of the game:
The child completes logical puzzles of
various animals and objects, by solving the placement of nine
shapes on a grid using visual clues. Three simple clues are used:
POSITIVE (where it goes), NEGATIVE (where it doesn't go),
and according to the SYMBOL SHOWN following a logical
sequence, from left to right and from top to bottom (like reading
and writing).

Skills developed:Concentration, problem solving, logical and creative reasoning, fine    motor coordination, spatial relations, visual perception and autonomy.
Contains: 12 progressive animal puzzles; 1 detachable board game; 9 attribute shapes; 2 self-correcting grids, instructions and tips for parents.



Play alone or together figuring out the hiding places of 9 busy teddy bears as they move around in cars, parachutes and sail boats. Each activity in this educational kit is self-motivating and consists in solving a logical puzzle that captivates children and adults too! Ages 3+.
Object of the game:To find the correct places of 9 teddies in an illustrated grid by using all the visual clues. The child proceeds from top to bottom and completes the sequence of colors by deduction and elimination.
Skills developed: Concentration, problem solving, logical reasoning, creativity, matching, fine motor skills, autonomous learning .
Contains: A gameboard ( 9 square grid ), 9 lovable teddy figures of 3 colors ( 3 red, 3 green, 3 blue), 12 progressively challenging logical puzzles, a color die, a self-corrective answer key. 1 instruction sheet with tips for parents. Also avalaible additionals cards:
TEDDYX MANIA 1: cards 1-12 (#CFB 301)
TEDDYX MANIA 2: cards A-L (#CFB 302)


Play alone or together in discovering the secret places of nine adventurous teddies as they travel on a magical trail! It is never the same game twice and adults will love the action in this educational kit ! Ages 3 and up!
Object of the game:To place 9 teddies of different colors on the magical trail by following the arrows and the visual clues given.
Skills developed:Concentration, problem solving, logical reasoning, creativity, matching, fine motor skills, autonomous learning.
Contains: A colorful gameboard, 9 loveble teddy figures of 3 colors ( 3 red, 3 green, 3 blue), 11 progressively challenging logic puzzles, a color die, a self-corrective answer key. Also avalaible additionals cards:
SUPER TEDDYX 1: cards l-12 (#CFB 401)
SUPER TEDDYX 2: cards A-L (#CFB  402)

CUBIX 1 - 2



Play alone or get together for some fun and challenging 3-D construction puzzles with 20 colorful special interlocking cubes. An educational kit for the whole family. Ages 3+.
Object of the game: To solve puzzles and make constructions by matching the right number and sequence of colors, using visual clues.
Skills developed: Concentration, problem solving, logical reasoning, creativity, matching, fine motor skills, autonomous learning.
Contains: 20 six sided interlocking cubes of 3 colors ( 8 red, 6 blue, 6 green); 11 construction puzzles; 1 color die; 1 self-corrective answer key; 1 instructions sheet with tips fro parents. Also available additional cards:
CUBIX 1: cards 1-11(#CFB 305)
CUBIX 2: cards A-K (#CFB 306)



Voir Le Jeu de Sagesse!
2012  In preparation 

Logicolo, Teddyx Mania levels 3 et 4  (ages 7-10) contact Institut Philos.

235, Boulevard Côte-Vertu
suite 123, Montréal, Québec  H4N 1C8 CANADA

Fax (514) 419-7579
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